
Time management – Custom software should include the ability to schedule tasks and set reminders. Whether for accounting, CRM or other business functions, these time management features can greatly improve productivity.

Ease of Use – Anyone with experience with standard software will know that it is rarely, if ever, intuitive to start with. There is usually a steep learning curve, after which you get used to the software. Take into account the training required for all of your staff and hundreds of hours of work seem to be wasted on acclimatization. Good custom software should be intuitive, with a minimal learning curve, and reduce the training required for employees.

Security – Well-designed custom software can offer higher levels of security than traditional software. This can be done in several ways, including access control and validation; tighter user controls; a lack of excessive functionality that opens the door to vulnerabilities; a bespoke software solution is also less lucrative for cybercriminals, who prefer to focus their energies on consumer software.

Easy integration with existing systems – The power of custom software must be harnessed to tie a large part of the business together with an interconnected platform capable of storing and exploiting information. For example, in the case of CRM and sales teams.

Migration – Whether the customer is already running existing standard software or migrating from other software, the new solution should take into account the migration of existing records (possibly with all their metadata intact)

Automation – This is a key attribute of any custom software solution. In addition to manual and repetitive tasks, the software must automate tasks, such as supply chain management, forecasting, purchasing or generating invoices.

Scalability – Custom software is a major advantage when it comes to flexibility and scalability. With the current trends in the Internet of Things and the ever-increasing awareness of the machine context, software should aim to adapt to all of these expansions of capabilities.

Branding – Custom software is a great opportunity for businesses to differentiate themselves from their competition. They can signal a true statement of intent, and customer-centric features can become a must-have part of the brand.

Economical – Unloaded with features you don’t need and without the license fees typically associated with standard software, custom software can pay for itself in a relatively short time.

Support – Instead of having to deal with long wait times with a call center, a customized software solution comes with the promise of fast, targeted support. Not “try to restart it”, custom software vendors go to the root of all the problems that arise. In other words, you can count on resolving your problem effectively, rather than hoping that the error does not recur.