
Website Development Checklist

A website development checklist is a document that outlines all the necessary steps from the beginning to the end of the website development process.

Following it helps developers make sure they don’t miss anything as they create a website for the client.

These checklists usually consists of the following categories and items:

  • Information Gathering
    • Set website goals
    • Define target audience
  • Planning
    • Sketch a sitemap
    • Create a wireframe
    • Choose programming language, framework and methodology
  • Design
    • Attain the client’s brand book
    • Create several layout ideas
    • Collect client feedback
    • Alter the layout keeping in line with the brand book
  • Development
    • Build and deploy the website
    • Add features and interactivity elements
    • Develop the SEO strategy
  • Testing and Launch
    • Perform a thorough website QA
    • Upload it to the hosting server
  • Maintenance
    • Fix bugs
    • Perform backups
    • Update the website