ou cannot imagine a website without images. Unfortunately, poor optimization of these images can be a burden and increase the loading time of your website. The loading speed of your website largely depends on how you serve the images. Since Google loves fast-loading web pages, optimizing images for the web becomes a top priority for all websites.

From a static blog site to a highly functional eCommerce site, all websites have images based on their types. The more images and other media resources you have, the heavier the website becomes to load. But, there are ways to optimize these images to serve them well on the web and reduce page load times.

Images are also one of the major elements of SEO. So this is also one of the ranking factors. When properly optimized, any single image on your site can rank. Google even has an option to search for images separately. In today’s article, we’ll break down all the major aspects of image optimization and help you drastically reduce site loading speed.

What is Image Optimization?

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Why Image Optimization Matters

According to HTTP Archive, images account for 24% of the total weight of a web page. Image optimization is a tried and true method for reducing image file size. You want your website to look more professional by using high-resolution images. These images are far too large to load. Visitors may get tired of waiting and move on to other websites if your web pages take too long to load. Optimized images will boost your SEO and help your website rank higher.

Images that have been optimised will consume less bandwidth. Using less storage on your server means you save money while improving performance. It also increases the likelihood of increasing conversions. This type of optimization also allows you to backup your website more quickly.

How to Optimize Images For the Web

The secret to successful image optimization is finding the perfect balance between lowest file size and standard image quality. There are things that play a huge role in image optimization. These are the image file format, compression, and image dimension. By optimizing images with the right combination of these three elements, you can reduce image size by up to 80%.

  • Resize Images Perfectly

  • Choose the Right Image Format

  • Compress Images

  • Write Descriptive ALT Tag